Saturday, December 1, 2007

More chemo

I did my next treatment on November 29, 2007. Due to my white blood cell count being so low last time and me getting so sick, my onco felt I needed a Neulasta injection this time around. So, I got that November 30. They had to inject it into my belly. It is supposed to tell my bone marrow to make more white blood cells. So, naturally, a side effect will be bone pain since they'll have to up their production.

I'm incredibly tired today. But, I'm going to try to rest 30 minutes at a time instead of laying in bed all day. I can't stand that. My body is starting to go numb. Quite annoying really. But that's the only 2 things going on right now. I am waiting on that stupid Mack truck to come barrelling through the house any time now to knock me off my feet.

Kati bought me a cool Jimmie Johnson pj set last night. So, I'm decked out in blue, yellow, and 48 just hanging out for the day. Maybe it won't be as bad this time. I really hope not.

My onco also said I could wait until after Christmas for my next treatment. It was supposed to be on the 20th of December, but he took pity on me. I'm going in on December 26. So, he said I should feel really good about that time cause I'll have a few extra days of recovery. But, then I'll only have one more treatment after that.

My head is getting balder by the day. It's very cold with no hair. So, I try to wear some sort of head covering all the time. We'll see how it goes this weekend.

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