Thursday, November 8, 2007

Chemo, Shemo

I started chemo today. Taxotere and Cytoxin with a couple of other things to combat nausea.It only took a little over 2 hours for everything to be done, but I was there 4 hours. It was the waiting, waiting, and waiting. But, so far, so good. I didn't have any allergic reactions and no nausea. I'm very sleepy though. I think I could have slept the rest of the day when we got home. But, T.J. had bowling tonight and I didn't want to miss it. Besides, all I did was sit.

We'll see how tomorrow and the weekend go. My sister-in-law and her husband gave me a HUGE bag of vitamins, minerals, and herbs that should help me with fatigue and try to keep me well during the ordeal.

Also, doing my research, I found out that there are 4 major supplements you should take during chemo: Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin D3, and CoQ 10. All of which I now have plus 10 other things. I'm really hoping they help.

Also, my EVP3 came in today so I'm going to start using it tonight. I've got my fingers crossed.

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